Updating the Harbor SDK#

Keeping the SDK in your app up to date is essential to keep up with our latests fixes and features.

You can see what is the latest version of our SDKs on Github.

Updating a React Native application#

Follow these steps to update your RN app. Use npm in the place of yarn if you are using npm as your package manager.

1. yarn remove @harborlockers/react-native-sdk
2. yarn add @harborlockers/react-native-sdk
3. cd ios && pod update HarborLockersSDK
4. cd android && ./gradlew clean
5. cd ..
6. watchman watch-del-all
7. yarn start --reset-cache

Updating a native IoS application#

1. Update the version in the podfile
2. pod update HarborLockersSDK
3. Clean the build (cmd+shift+k)

Updating a native Android application#

1. Update the version in the gradle file
2. Sync Project with Gradle Files (using android studio)
3. run "./gradlew clean" in the terminal